What is SocialMarker.com?
Social bookmarking is a powerful tool in promoting awebsite. But going through all of those social bookmarking sites is very
time-consuming and downloading all toolbars is madness. That's where
SocialMarker.com comes in, the free service designed to reduce the time and effort needed to socially bookmark a website.
Why SocialMarker.com?
It can help you spread a link on 11 of the best social bookmarking sites in under 15 minutes!- It helps you get a lot of backlinks.
- It helps you increase your traffic.
- Your link gets indexed by Google in a matter of minutes.
- Best of all, it's free!
Social Marker runs smoothly on all major web browsers, but we recommend downloading and using Firefox.How to use it
All you need to do is simply drag this buttonto your Firefox bookmarks toolbar, in order to create a submission
bookmarklet. When you are on a website that you want to socially mark,
simply select the text and click the SocialMarker button to pre-populate
the submission form with the selected information.
For a better understanding of how to use Social Marker, you can view these videos or visit our FAQ page.
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